Wednesday, May 9, 2012

7 months already.. Sheesh. #22

Isaac turned 7 months old yesterday. I can't believe time has gone by so fast. It seems like so long ago we were in the hospital getting ready to bring him home.. But it has also gone by so quickly. Does that even make sense?

He is now starting to crawl. We can't turn our back on him for even a second! He also thinks that pulling himself up to stand is pretty cool too. He is constantly wanting to stand. I am not ready for him to be mobile! :)

 We have our March of Dimes walk in 4 shorts days.. Saturday. I designed shirts for our team - SWEET BABY ISAAC - and they arrived today. We have 8 team members and we have raised $650. Which is awesome because we only found out about the walk a month ago. I am surprised I pulled a team of 8 together and also go so many donations. We even had people buy shirts that aren't even walking. They just wanted to support Isaac and raise awareness for Hirschsprung's Disease. Which I think is awesome. This disease is virtually unknown, and yes it is rare, but it affects families immensely. We still don't have any HD friends in our area, most are over the internet. I would like to find some local families so we can kind of support each other. Our surgeon said she has 9 HD kids in her practice so I am thinking about asking her to pass along my info to them in case they want to make some new friends.

Here is a quick look at the shirts! I will post pictures from the walk.. We can't wait! And an added bonus... It is supposed to be 75 degrees :)

 And of course.. Isaac and his daddy..

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