Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday!.. #56

We celebrated Isaac's 3rd birthday on Sunday October 5th. He picked the Ninja Turtle theme :) Just like the 2 years past, the weather was in the 70's. Not bad for October in the Pacific Northwest. :) A few pictures below..


  1. Hi, I stumbled across your blog while doing research on Hirschsprung's disease for a website information page. From reading a few of your posts I can see why your son is your hero - he has been through so much! My son has imperforate anus which is similar in some ways (serious constipation, senna, enemas, colostomy, surgery) but also very different. I have no idea where you are located, but if you are in the US have you considered taking you son to one of the colorectal specialist centers in Ohio? Anyway, just a thought that came to me while reading your blog. I also applaud and support your efforts to raise awareness about this disease and join you in that endeavor.
    PS-Your son is adorable!

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thank you for taking the time to read our story and to contact me :) We live in the Seattle WA area. Our son has really done extremely well. He has had some bumps along the road but has pretty much had no major issues. We do a lot of alternative care that has kept him on track which includes a super strict non GMO, organic, whole food based diet, chiropractic care, seeing a holistic nutritionist, and of course staying in close contact with his pediatric surgeon and GI dr. I have heard of Cincinnati Colorectal Center! What a great place. We have never thought of bringing him there because he has done so well and our drs we have are pretty amazing. In fact, some of the surgical team we see has gone to Cincinnati to study and work with the dr's there. We feel very confident in our team here. But if anything ever needed a second opinion we would definitely make the trip there. Where are you located at? And do you blog or anything?


  2. I posted a reply but not sure if it went through.
