Well Sunday - the 16th - Isaac didn't eat very much all day, was pretty gassy, had loud tummy grumbles and then in the evening had a touch of diarrhea. We decided to bring him in to the ER to see what was going on in fears of enterocolitis. Which in the HD world is scary and serious.
They gave him an abdominal X-ray and it wasn't quiet right - lots of gas. So the surgeon decided to keep us for observation and for some IV fluids and antibiotics. Had some tests ran and everything came back normal. Good news!!! Bad news is it took them 2 hours to get an IV in. And it was a miserable time. We had to hold him down and he was just crying and crying. I felt so terrible. Broke my heart.
Monday morning he had another X-ray and the X-ray was normal... Everything had resolved. So they decided to allow him back to his normal diet and stay one extra night. And Monday was pretty uneventful. We rode around our floor on a red wagon. Which Isaac loved. He still remained his happy self the entire time. Minus the IV issue.
Thinking we get to go home today.. Hoping!!!! And is it ironic that one year exactly, December 17th, we were here in this exact same spot? Yes.. 2 years in a row on the same day we got admitted to the hospital. This better not happen again next year! :)
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