Sunday, March 18, 2012

Good & Bad news.. #13

January 3rd, 2012 - Today Isaac had his barium xray done. Which is a contrast xray, similar to a CT scan. The xray shows the large intestine, the colon and rectum. He had one when he was first diagnosed in the NICU. And it was absolute HELL. They have to strap him down to a board with his arms above his head.. He screamed the whole entire time. It was so hard for me to watch or listen to. I stood right next to him even though there was nothing I could do to calm him. The surgeon ordered this procedure so she could see why they were seeing inflammation and a stricture in the area where he had his surgery.  They wanted to see if the the inflammation had decreased since he was released from the hospital a couple weeks ago. They didn't know if there was a kink or twist in the bowel or if there was some abnormality from the surgery so she wanted to make sure the inflammation was allergy related.

It took about 30 minutes. As soon as they were done taking the pictures we unstrapped him and picked him up. He was so upset. He was like hyperventilating almost. I was so upset I was crying myself. You know when you cry so hard you start doing involuntary sniffing and whimpering. Well he did that for about 20 minutes. It broke my heart! After the radiologist reviews the films, we packed up and headed across the street to his surgeons office. Luckily we had an appointment with her an hour after his procedure so we would know the results right away. I hated waiting. And I think she knew that. So she scheduled us to see her right after.

We waited in the room for the doctor to come in. I was pacing the floor. The rooms are incredibly tiny so I pretty much did 2 steps and then turn, did 2 steps, and kept repeating that over and over. My heart was pounding, my hands were sweaty, and I was shaky. When the door opened I wanted to just open my mouth and start asking questions. But I sat down and tried to remain calm so I could  understand what she was saying.

Good news or bad news first, she asked. My heart sank. Bad news? There's bad news? She told us the good news was he did not have any abnormalities from the surgery or any other serious complications, BUT the area she was concerned about was still a little narrower than her liking. So what did that mean? She said that she wanted to go in with a little scope and take a look at the area to make sure no scar tissue was forming causing the stricture or that there was not a pocket of infection that can sometimes form. Sometimes scar tissue can form which requires a cosmetic type surgery to fix. She said she also felt better that she would know exactly what was going on. So she wanted to do an exam under anesthesia next Monday the 9th. It was like a day surgery. But he did have to be put under anesthesia.. Again?

So I guess all in all, it came out in a way we were hoping for. Nothing too serious was going on and after next week we know for SURE what we were dealing with. Until then, be nervous as HELL.

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