Please forgive me! I have been so sidetracked the last couple days, err weeks, that I have not had time to even update. I have been vaguely talking about how we started Isaac on chiropractic care and I have been getting floods of messages and emails about it. I think it's important, especially with special needs medical kiddos, to seek out ANY alternative (dont know why it is called alternative medicine because this is our choice in medicine) therapies you can. With that said, each child is not the same so results will vary. Hirschsprung's is a very tricky disease and there are so many ups and downs. Trials and errors.
So we saw our GI dr back in March that suggested we try some alternative therapies with Isaac. Chiropractic care was one he had mentioned. I had thought about chiro care in the past but with everything going on I just never got around to taking Isaac in. Boy do I wish I would of done so sooner.
In my previous posts lately I had been talking about bringing Isaac to a nutritional practitioner, trying senna on and off, a lot of ups and down. We have been battling getting him regular for almost 7 months. Since October. It has been really stressful. So I figured, you know what, why not. Why not try chiro and see what happens.
Fast forward to about 5 weeks of chiropractic care. We saw Isaac's surgeon on May 8th and for the first time in 6 months she was shocked. Shocked that he was completely clear. Empty. No stool at all. She even joked she could feel his kidney he was so clear. This was the first time in at least 12 visits she had said even something remotely close to this. About a week prior to that appt we had taken Isaac off his prescribed senna dose because it was causing a bunch of adverse reactions for him. Lots of gas, stomach pains, diarrhea. At this point I felt like it was just too much for him. So telling his surgeon what had been going on we felt at this time he should be taken off the senna. His bowel was now functioning normally. I believe the chiropractic care was the missing piece to this puzzle for my son. Chiropractic care is not just about back or neck pain, it's about allowing your body to function and heal properly through these adjustments. This essentially allowed his bowel to "wake up."
I am very much a science based person. So there is not question in my mind that this is not a coincidence. We finally found a combination of things that are working for our son that does not include medications or some type of medical intervention.
We take Isaac to an awesome, well known, chiropractor here in the Tacoma area. Dr. Mike Long at Renaissance Chiropractic Center. Dr. Mike is so amazing with kids. This is by far Isaac's favorite dr to visit.
I know a lot of parents question alternative care because they just don't know much about it or they are afraid they can't afford it. Chiropractic care for children is so inexpensive. So inexpensive. And so so beneficial! Isaac has been doing very well with it and only goes about once every 2 weeks.
It has been such a huge relief to not have to give him senna everyday. Or do rectal irrigations. Or some type of medical intervention just to get him to poop. It made me cringe every time I had to give senna to him. Not knowing if it would upset his stomach and cause him pain. Things really did a 180 degree turn in such a short amount of time for him. I hope it continues to look up.
Here are some pictures from one of his appointments with Dr. Mike!! And for more information about Renaissance Chiropractic Center here is their link to their website..