Wow. One year old. When Isaac was born I didn't know where we would be at one year old. We didn't know the outcome or the long term issues from Hirschsprung's Disease. Even though his doctors kept telling us he will live a normal life and be a normal baby/child, we still were skeptical. But Isaac has proven to us that this "disease" will not limit him in any area of his life.
He just started really "walking" a few days ago. He is walking more than crawling so I can officially say walking. He would take a few steps on his own here and there but still really crawling. But over the past 2 weeks he's really took to walking.
In the food area, he prefers mostly table food. He is declining the purée left and right!! His food choices are still pretty limited and basic but hoping after we see his GI next month his menu will increase. He's doing really well on the foods he is eating.
We had his 12 month well baby check on the 9th. He is 23 pounds 13.5 oz and 30 inches tall. He is ahead on his milestones, says our pediatrician. He has an extensive vocab as well. Mama, dada, oh wow, whoa, up, ya, Elmo.. So cute when he talks. He also points at everything! He is so curious. He is ahead of the game and such a smart little boy.
We have our appointment with his surgeon next week so we will see what she says. We only anticipate a good check up because of how well he is doing.
I am still in shock he is one. He is not a baby anymore!! :)