Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Slacking!.. #21

Sheesh! I haven't been able to get a post up in weeks. We have been so busy! So much has happened. Well Isaac is allergic to rice cereal.. We had to bring him into the ER 2 Saturdays ago. They did an abdominal xray to make sure nothing funny was going on. Luckily everything was fine! No more rice cereal though. We tried squash and he's taking to that ok. Well after switching brands. We are feeding him Sprout now. Our surgeon suggested that brand because of the way they process the foods. They bake them first which makes them really sweet in flavor. And she was right! He loved it!

We had our monthly surgeon appointment yesterday. He weighs 19 pounds. Such a big boy. Nothing really new to report. He is doing really well so we see her again next month. We always like seeing her because she gives us such good information and advice. We told her that he wasn't taking to the squash very well and she told us to go buy the Sprout food and where we could find it. It's nice to have a doctor who is a mom herself because she knows so much more and has experience with her own children first hand.

We had his 6 month pictures done.. He was so cute. He would laugh and then immediately cry 5 seconds later. He had stranger danger! Lol.. I can't wait to get the prints so we can frame them. I really want to get a few big portrait size photos so we can put them up in our new house when we move in July. No sense in putting up a bunch of photos now since we will be moving in 3 short months. I can't believe we have been in our apartment for almost a year. Our perfect little 2 bedroom apartment was definitely a good starting point for us, but we have outgrown it so quickly. And as he starts to crawl and walk we will need much, much, MUCH more space.

A few pictures from his little photo session..

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Isaac's 6 month doctor appts.. #20

Yesterday was such an eventful day!!! We had our 6 month well baby check up and his GI appointment. Both appointments went GREAT! He weighs 18 pounds 10 ounces and is almost 27 inches long. He gained almost a pound in 2 weeks. LOL. This kid loves to eat. We got the go ahead from his GI to start solid food!!!! This is so exciting but so scary because Hirshsprung babies are prone to constipation. So far we have been so lucky and have not had to deal with this. We started rice cereal yesterday afternoon and he loves it! We are only doing one tablespoon once a day to start. And we can introduce veggies next week. We are supposed to introduce yellow veggies, then orange veggies, then green veggies, and then finally fruits. Waiting 7 days in between new foods. Starting out slow! He said usually it's best to wait 5-7 days to introduce new foods to see if there is a reaction to them.

He also had a tooth start cutting yesterday! First tooth.. It's the bottom left front. He is going to look so cute with his new tooth. But poor guy has been having a rough time with it. He has been kind of cranky here and there. You can tell when it's bothering him because he will rub his gums and have this little sad face on. :( Breaks my heart!

Annnnnnnd we found out that Isaac will have a boy cousin in September. My brother and sis in law are pregnant and they found out yesterday the baby is a boy. They are naming him Braydan. We are so excited!!! They live in Arizona, moved there in February, which makes me kind of sad because my brother and I are really close. I wish they still lived here so the boys could grow up together! Maybe we will have to look into moving to Arizona.. HAH!

So all is well here in the land of ISAAC and THE TOOTH!!!! 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

We are walking for BABIES!.. #19

I started a group for the March of Dimes - March for Babies walk.. It is May 12th in the city we live in. Our goal is $500 since we are kind of getting a late start on this. Below is the link to donate to help us reach our goal. I am walking in honor of my son and for all the other children with Hirschsprung's Disease.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy April!.. #18

Wow the sun finally decided to shine for a few days! It is beautiful out today. I actually have the windows open in our house. It's supposed to be even nicer over the Easter weekend. The farmers market is now open on Saturdays so we are going tomorrow to check it out.

We got Isaac a new car seat. He absolutely HATED the infant one. So we moved him up to the convertible car seat. It works so much better for us. Now if we could convince daddy to get a new car.. :) We need a SUV desperately!

This week coming up is a big one for us. We have his 6 month well baby check up and his GI appointment. We will get to start solids.. What a scary adventure. Can't wait to see how that goes. We are thinking about making our own baby food but will talk to the GI to see what will be best for Isaac. He has shown so much interest in food lately. He mimics chewing when we are eating, he grabs for food on our plates, and even makes chewing noises! This kid is ready! He needs to slow down a little bit.. :(

Isaac got to meet his great Uncle Rod. My aunt and uncle live over in Spokane and he was over here for work. I can't wait to go over there this summer so he can meet everyone. They spoil him so much! This kid is so spoiled he is going to push us out of house. We need another bedroom just for his toys! Glad we will be moving in July. We need a bigger place and more bedrooms.. for Isaac's stuff. :)

ISAAC WILL BE 6 MONTHS ON SUNDAY (8th)!!!!! Where has the time gone! Look how big he is..